• On June 29, 2021, GHP has started negotiation with Kyrgyzstan Company and in the end of the year, has already signed 12 Service Agreements for the development of Technical Documents (TD) for construction HPPS (Kogart HPP, Nookat HPP-1, Nookat HPP-2, Sokuluk HPP-3, Ak Suu HPP-1, Ak Suu HPP-2, Tar HPP-1, Tar HPP-2, Kaindy HPP, Karakul HPP, Karakulja HPP, Okhna HPP) in Kyrgyzstan.
• On June 1, 2021, GHP has signed Service Agreement with Ukrainian Company “AI Group” LLC for providing a Topographic & Geological Surveys and Hydrological Study work of the Solar Power Plant “Marneuli” (50.0 MW)
•On September 8, 2020, Agreement of Cooperation was signed between JSC “Georgian Energy Development Fund” (GEDF), “Borjomi” Ltd and “Tba” Ltd (GHP is 25% shareholder) on the alternative implementation plan of the “Borjomi and Plato Cascade” Project.
• On August 5, 2020, GHP has signed Detailed Design Stage Memorandum with Government of Georgia for Makvaneti 1 HPP, Makvaneti 2 HPP.
• On 2020, GHP has developed Pre-feasibility studies for 10 new projects of Makvaneti 1, Makvaneti 2, Bakhvi 4, Bakhvi 5, Ukanava HPP, Shrosha HPP, Gundauri HPP, Gvakha HPP, Gomis tavi HPP and has submitted application to the government for signing Memoranda for Construction HPPS.

• On April 5, 2019, GHP has signed service Agreement with Czech Company “Geen Development a.s” of Detailed Design for construction Jonouli 2 HPP.

• On April 4, 2018 GHP has signed service Agreement with Company “Lahmeyer International” (Tractebel) on Oni HPP Cascade (200 MW) about Hydrology and Topography Investigations, Material Survey and Supervision over Geology Investigations.

• On April 5, 2017, GHP has signed service Agreement with UK Company “DM-Energy” LLC of Detailed Design for construction Dvirula HPP and on May 17, 2021, Dvirula HPP was put into operation.

• On May 2, 2017, SPV Company “Georgia Shenke Power Investment”LLC has signed Memorandum with Government of Georgia for Akavreta HPP. The purpose of this MOU was conduction by the Company of the environmental and social impact assessment and public hearings of the Facility of the MOU on the BOO (build, own, operate).

• On December 27, 2016, GHP, Singapore Shenke Overseas Development & Investment Holding Pte. Ltd and Zhejiang Jinlun Electromechanical Co, Ltd have established new SPV Company “Georgia Shenke Power Investment” LLC for development Akavreta HPP.

• On October 21, 2013, GHP has signed Detailed Design Stage Memorandum with Government of Georgia for Bakhvi 2 HPP (20 MW).

• On October 21, 2016, GHP has signed Detailed Design Stage Memorandum with Government of Georgia for Bakhvi 2 HPP (20 MW).

•On February 9, 2015 in Guangzhou (China), at the Head Office of the company “Shanhe Energy”, was signed the Service Agreement between the companies GHP and GSPI (Georgia Shanhe Power Investment) on design of the Ubisa HPP.

•On November 5, meeting was held with the Chairman of the Government of Adjara Autonomous Republic, Mr. Archil Khabadze. Guests visited Ubisa HPP (Zestaponi Region) and Akavreta HPP (Adjara, Keda Region), they were introduced to the Projects.
•Nine member of Chinese Delegation visited GHP from 30 October to 6 November, 2014.
Delegation members were:
1. President of China Development Bank “CDB Guangdong” branch – Mr. Wu Deli and other bank representatives
2. President of “Guandong Shunhe Energy Industry Co” LTD – Huang Diling
3. President of Turbine Manufacturing Factory “Zhejiang Jinlun Electromechanic Co., Ltd ”- Wang Sheng
Delegation held meeting with the heads of Georgian National Bank and Ministry of Energy.

•On September 26, they met Chairman of Tbilisi City Assembly Mr. George Alibegashvili, where they talked about direct flights between China and Georgia, Organizing Cultural, Economical, Trade events and Development of both Cities.
After this meeting, Chinese delegation visited “GHP” (Georgian Hydro Power) Company.
Management of “GHP” presented their future plans and projects, which should be implemented in partnership with Chinese company (Shunhe Energy). Member of “Shunhe Energy’s” Board of Directors, Mr. Liu and General Director of joint Georgian Chinese Company “Georgian Shunhe Power Investment” were also attending this meeting.
Vice Mayor of Guangzou Mr. Weifeng Luo stated Chinese Government’s readiness to help implementing projects between “GHP” and Chinese side. Also, Chinese Delegation invited employees of “GHP” were invited on business vocation to China.
On September 25, Vice Major of Guangzhou Mr. Weifeng Luo and other Members of Guangzhou municipality visited Georgia.

•07.05.2014 GHP has submitted Feasibility Study for Ubisa Hpp two options: 4MW and 8MW. Three Parties decides to continue design of Ubisa HPP second version – 8 MW.
•In February 2014 between the GHP and GIEC was signed Contract for transfer rights and Prefeasibility Study on Zeda Bzhuzha to company GIEC. In April 2014 was signed the main Contract for the Detailed Project design and author’s support of Zeda Bzhuzha HPP. Work was launched in May 2014
•During 2013 GHP developed Prefeasibility Study for a new HPP – Zeda Bzhuzha. Preliminary capacity – 9.6 MW, the annual output about 40 million kWh. Work was proposed to company GIEC (Georgian International Energy Corporation) for consideration in October 2013. After a detailed review of the Project, GIEC decided to buy project and apply for a Memorandum to the Ministry of Energy.

|22.10.2013|ჰესების კალაძის მშენებლობა, საქართველოს მთავრობა და კომპანია ,, Georgian Hydro Power ”-ს შორის გაფორმდა ურთიერთგაგების მემორანდუმი, რომელსაც ხელი მოაწერეს ენერგეტიკის მინისტრმა კახა კალაძემ და კომპანია ,, Georgia Hydro Power”-ს გენერალურმა დირექტორმამილ ბირკაძემ.
მემორანდუმი საქართველოს იმერეთის რეგიონში, მდ. ძირულაზე ,,უბისა ჰესის” და აჭარაში მდინარეებზე აკავრეთაზე და ლოდნარზე “აკავრეთა ჰესის” მშენებლობების დიზაინის დიზაინის ტექნიკურ-ეკონომიკური ფუნქციონირების მექანიზმი.
კომპანიამ ბაზარზე 15 თვეში უნდა დაასრულოს, რის შემდეგაც ჰესების ტექნიკური წერები
პოტენციური პროექტებია იმერეთისა და აჭარის რეგიონებში. მემორანდუმის თანახმად, ტექნიკურ-ეკონომიკური შესწავლა უნდა ჩატარდეს 15 თვის განმავლობაში, მას შემდეგ, რაც დადგინდება ჰესების ტექნიკური პარამეტრები.
|14.08.2013| კომპანია GHP-ს, Guangdong Sunisland Photovoltaic Technology Co.,Ltd და ახალი პარტნიორის – Zhejiang Jinlun Mechanical and Electrical Industry Co., Ltd. შორის გაფორმდა ახალი შეთანხმება ერთობლივ საქმიანობის თაობაზე უბისა ჰესის (4MW) და აკავრეთა ჰესის (8MW) განხორციელებაზე.

კომპანია GHP-ს და Guangdong Sunisland Photovoltaic Technology Co.,Ltd შორის გაფორმდა შეთანხმება ერთობლივ საქმიანობის თაობაზე უბისა ჰესის (4MW) და აკავრეთა ჰესის (8MW) განხორციელებაზე.